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Requirements: CREATE VPC - Subnet (AZ) -> Public     -> Internet connection both of inbound and outbound          -> SG(Secret Gate, whitelist)              -> SSH(port 22) open for the office IP     -> Linux framework     -> ec2 instance     -> In order to access to the private -> Private     -> No internet connection.     -> Linux, ec2, web application (port 80)     -> NAT gateway for the outbound     -> ELB(gateway) to aceess to the private         -> SG(Secret Gate, whitelist)              -> SSH(port 22) open for the office IP References: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud: Amazon VPC Scenarios and Examples Getting Started with Amazon VPC NAT Instances Route Tables ebooks: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Overview Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)  lets you provision  a

Basic Concept of Docker

SERVER MANAGEMENT   Server management is very complicated and difficult In general, Server management is very complicated and difficult.  Just a few years ago, one of the developers' main tasks was to install the various programs in the operating system to deploy the source codes.  The installation manual was long and complicated and I failed to install it for some unknown reason even though they worked properly on my local machine. If it did not install correctly, I would install from OS again and again. For examples, The OS and Database server versions used by the company were fixed, and updating versions was a huge risk, so it was best to leave the server untouched as much as possible after installation. The day I set up the new servers was a sleepless night, I became a master of configurations and installation. If you think you have become accustomed to it, you would have problems if the Linux distribution changed or the environment changed. It was also a proble